
Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

It’s the weekend and for many of us that means time off from work. Yay! What do you have planned?

BC19 (Before COVID-19) the weekend was a time for gatherings and socializing, which is off the books for now. Today may be the time for a solitary bike ride through interesting landscape-whether that is the desert’s unique formations or under a canopy of trees.

I’m not trying to get political here, so no comments about the pandemic, social distancing, or mask-wearing, please!

I’m encouraging you to enjoy the beautiful summer day! Sonja

Only a Few More Days Until the Weekend!

What are your plans for the weekend? It’s time to start planning! It is outdoors or indoors? Close to home or far away? Alone or with family and friends?

The weekend is a time to recharge from the busy work/school week so you can tackle the upcoming days with energy and optimism. Those are the best ways to move through a day. Approach it with energy and it will give it back to you in fun and excitement. Approach it with optimism and you will find good opportunities and people everywhere.

Are you in a bad mood and can’t get away from it? Smile. That’s all. Just force yourself to smile. The very act of engaging the smile muscles lifts your spirits and your mood will elevate.

It’s medically proven!

Try it the next time you’re in a bad mood–or feel a little blue. I think you’ll be amazed.

Smile! Sonja

A Question For You

Tomorrow is Sunday Funday! What do you have planned?

I’m going to spend time with family, including my two furry friends. Here’s a photo of our goofball, Guinness, who is going to star in his own series of picture books.

Have a fun weekend, Sonja