The Struggles Are Real

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

When a story doesn’t unfold in my brain, it’s a struggle to get it down on paper–or, rather, in ones and zeros. I’m having this issue with Lady Zepherine’s story. She is reluctant to tell her story, and I am having a difficult time writing it. Difficult is putting it mildly. It’s like hammering dull nails into an oak board with a sponge. Yes, that’s impossible.

The hard thing is not writing her story. But I feel like it’s a tortured mess. That’s what editing is for, right?

It’s also tough because parts of her story are so personal to me. Diving into my memories, and interacting with the mean girls and bullies who live there, makes me sad. I wish I had the knowledge that I have now, back then, so I could stand up to them and defend myself instead of ‘taking it’ like I did.

Even now, I try to take the high road and not get pulled down into what I consider trite arguments. The unfortunate side of that is the number of people (who I though were friends) believing the liar and rumor-spreader.

Aren’t you glad that it exposed your false friends? Yes, but it makes for loneliness, too. I wish they had taken the time to find the truth rather than believing the person who had no issues dragging my name through the mud. I hope I haven’t made the same mistake.

I hope I am the friend I wish to be. Sonja


It’s Throwback Thursday and I’m looking back at my first book series: The Fairies of Carlow.

These middle-grade books have chapters and are based on a fairy kingdom. They come from Ireland and now are in the United States. With magic, they find their way through their teen years. Not only do they grapple with the angst that accompanies that time, but the Red Caps are causing trouble.

These wicked creatures bring chaos and fear to the kingdom and cause trouble throughout the series.

Each book stands alone, but you get to revisit the characters from previous books and can see what they’ve been up to since their story was told in their book.

One of the benefits of staying home these days is the ability to read more. Ebooks are always available while print books may take a while to ship, depending on where they are coming from and how well the shipping lines are doing to your town.

Personally, I love ebooks and carry my Kindle around in my purse. That way, when I’m stuck in a line I can take out my book instead of standing around getting bored or irritated.

Bonus: all of my books are available as ebooks!!! Just for you! Sonja

Books Are Available!

Take a look at all those titles! Every one of them is available exclusively on You can either use the links in the left-hand column of this web site, or you can search for my name, ‘Sonja Danielson’, to bring up all of my titles that are available.

Each book in the Fairies of Carlow series stands alone with a glimpse at the continuing stories of previous characters. It’s almost like getting an epilogue while being immersed in the story of new characters.

The Voyage is based on actual history and tells the story of one of the notable and founding families of the East Coast of America. The Wing Family traveled around Europe before the matriarch and her sons crossed the Atlantic to settle in Plymouth Colony and eventually Sandwich, Massachusetts.

The Voyage is based on actual events and locations, and the book includes information on locations mentioned in the book and has a timeline of the events. I wanted the political climate of England and Europe easy to understand, which was difficult based on the rule of King Henry VIII, Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth I.

The Voyage is easy to read and boasts several full-color illustrations made specifically for the book. The talents of the artist (not me!) show the dress and environment of the story. You have to see them!

I hope you are able to enjoy my titles, Sonja

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s an important day for all those in the United States. Today is Thanksgiving. My new book, The Voyage, would be a wonderful read to mark this day. It tells of the trials of a man who traveled throughout Europe as he searched for religious freedom.

His family settled first in Plymouth Colony and then to Sandwich, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. This illustrated easy-to-read book is available exclusively on

I’m also offering Book 3 of The Fairies of Carlow, The Commoner, at special pricing starting today. This book is a middle-grade chapter book and takes place in a fairy kingdom. The Commoner tells the story of a fairy princess who chafes under the restrictions placed upon her. She flees the palace and lives as a commoner. Will she return to her royal life?

I hope you take advantage of the special pricing, which ends on November 30, and also take a look at my newest book.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. friends! Sonja

Happy Pricing!

Available on

I’m celebrating this holiday week by scheduling a special pricing event for book 3 of The Fairies of Carlow!

Starting at 12:01 on Thanksgiving Day (MST), the price of the ebook of The Commoner will drop to $0.99. The price will increase gradually over the day and November 29, so jump on this special event as soon as you can!

The link to the ebook, available exclusively on, is in the left margin of this web site.

I hope you can take advantage of this offer! Sonja

Mood Writing

The above quote really described my writing process. In a previous post, I wrote about being a ‘plotter’ or a ‘pantser’. I’m a ‘plotter’ and need to know the direction of my story.

That doesn’t mean I am strict or regimented in my writing. I like to see where my characters want to take me–and often they surprise me–but I can gently lead them in the direction of my plot. Otherwise, my stories tend to wander around too much.

When I write my fairy stories, you can be sure that I have pictures of Ireland on my computer and a nice cup of tea steaming at the side of my laptop.

When I write about Guinness the Therapy Dog, I like to watch him as he plays with his sister, Lucy. A lot of the time, he’s laying on the floor at my feet or resting his chin on my leg as he begs for a nice petting session.

I get inspiration from everything that’s around me. Hopefully, that flavors my writing and helps with the general mood and descriptions for you, the reader.

Try to write today! Sonja

Countdown deal starts today!

Special pricing of the ebook for The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider begins today! Use the link in the left margin of this web page, or search for my name on to go to the ebook. The special pricing will populate automatically.

Today is the lowest price. It will go up tomorrow and return to full price on November 18, 2019.

I hope you take advantage of this pricing.

The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider is Book 2 of The Fairies of Carlow series and continues the riveting and heartfelt saga of the fairies that inhabit the Kingdom of Carlow. Princess Morgen (do not use her full name!) is from the neighboring Kingdom of Meath and has been raised on stories of the failings of the Carlowian royal family. She believes the barbarian king rules a hostile land; however, her father has arranged her marriage to the royal prince as protection against the marauding Red Caps. She is horrified by the edict and cannot imagine living her life tied to a heathen such as Prince Stephen. Does she face a cold and forbidding future, or will Prince Stephen defy his reputation and provide Princess Morgen with the love and support she craves?

I hope you take advantage of the price cut. Sonja

Prepare Yourself!

Special pricing is coming! On Saturday, November 16, 2019, I have arranged for a discount on my e-book of The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider. The special pricing will be in effect for 24 hours and will increase incrementally until it returns to full price on November 18.

I hope you take advantage of this opportunity and read the story of Princess Morgen and her adventures as the intended of the crowned prince of Carlow. She finds a healthy respect for herself through her challenges, that range from the easily solved to one that is difficult to surmount. I’ll give you a hint: it involved those terrible Red Caps. I’ll write a post soon about these dastardly creatures and the havoc they wreak.

Enjoy your special discount. Sonja

Young Readers Day

Photo by Jyotirmoy Gupta on Unsplash

Today is a fun holiday that is close to my heart. I love my young readers and enjoy hearing from them. I write my chapter and picture books with them in mind.

What is your favorite book?

Have fun reading! Sonja

Special Pricing on Book 2!

Grab your specially priced ebook today only!!!

I arranged for the ebook copy of The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider to be offered for a steep discount. Today only! Get your copy before time runs out!

The price is the lowest today and will go up incrementally over the next two days.

Enjoy! Sonja