Special pricing of the ebook for The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider begins today! Use the link in the left margin of this web page, or search for my name on Amazon.com to go to the ebook. The special pricing will populate automatically.
Today is the lowest price. It will go up tomorrow and return to full price on November 18, 2019.
I hope you take advantage of this pricing.
The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider is Book 2 of The Fairies of Carlow series and continues the riveting and heartfelt saga of the fairies that inhabit the Kingdom of Carlow. Princess Morgen (do not use her full name!) is from the neighboring Kingdom of Meath and has been raised on stories of the failings of the Carlowian royal family. She believes the barbarian king rules a hostile land; however, her father has arranged her marriage to the royal prince as protection against the marauding Red Caps. She is horrified by the edict and cannot imagine living her life tied to a heathen such as Prince Stephen. Does she face a cold and forbidding future, or will Prince Stephen defy his reputation and provide Princess Morgen with the love and support she craves?
I hope you take advantage of the price cut. Sonja