The Voyage is Now Available !!!

Available on

I’m proud to announce the release of my latest book, “The Voyage”. This illustrated book chronicles the travels of the Reverend John Wing and his family as he ministered through England, Germany, and The Netherlands. After his death, his family traveled across the Atlantic Ocean on the William and Francis.

It took them 88 days to travel from England to Boston. They settled in Plymouth Colony before resettling in Sandwich, Massachusetts as founders of that town.

This is written as an easy-to-read book and has multiple vibrant illustrations by Emma Crick. Miss Crick lives in England and was born near Sandwich, Kent–the namesake city of the settlement on Cape Cod.

I hope you enjoy this story. Sonja

The Wing Family: From England to the American Colonies

I wanted to premier the artwork for my upcoming picture book about one of the first families in Cape Cod, Massachusetts and the early years of the patriarch, John Wing!

(c) 2019 Emma Crick
This drawing is copyrighted and you must request permission
to copy, share, print, or use in print or digital form.

This is a sample of the artwork that is being produced for my new picture book: The Wing Family: From England to the American Colonies.

Isn’t it beautiful? The remaining artwork is just as special.

The artist, Emma Crick, lives in England and is so talented. To see this and more artwork, my book will be available before Christmas. Check back on this site for the announcement that it is available for purchase!

Looking forward to this new adventure! Sonja

The Artwork is Coming!

The artwork is coming for my new picture book, The Wing Family: From England to the American Colonies. I think you’ll love it. It’s a blend of watercolors and pen and ink detailing. The artist is incredibly skilled and you will find yourself immersed in the world of 1600s England.

This is an interesting story of one of America’s founding families. The patriarch was an impressive young lad who made a huge impact on history as he aged through adulthood.

Stay tuned for my announcement that the book is available!

I can’t wait for you to read it! Sonja

Guinness the Therapy Dog

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month (amongst others). Now, Guinness isn’t a shelter dog, but he was given to us by his first owner. We are so happy that he was released to us and we were able to give him a home. He’s been such an asset to our family!

I can’t wait for you to meet him. The picture book series, Guinness the Therapy Dog, is based on him. You’ll discover how he became a therapy dog and his job around the city. Guinness Goes to the Hospital is all about the time he spends with patients, adults and kids, who have been admitted or are in the emergency room. Guinness Goes to the Library will show you how he helps kids read. He loves his job!!!

So, gear up for October and get ready to meet Guinness. If you have a shelter dog in your family, give him or her a big squeeze! Shelter dogs are the best!

Tomorrow is also National Homemade Cookie Day. Get that mixer out and blend together some butter, sugar, and chocolate chips to celebrate the day. If you like coffee, tomorrow is also International Coffee Day, which is great with those homemade cookies.

Enjoy the first day of October! Sonja

Guinness the Therapy Dog

I am starting to write an entirely new series of picture books. All of them are based on my beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog, Guinness, and his adventures as a therapy dog.

Guinness and I get a lot out of our therapy visits and I wanted to share it with you. I am writing the text now and have an artist lined up. I’m excited to share all of Guinness’ love with you, dear readers, and can’t wait to hear how you enjoy him!

A New Picture Book!!!

Exciting news! The artist is hard at work adding to my new picture book. This book is currently titled:

The Wing Family of America:

From England to the American Colonies

As a member of the Wing Family of America, I am particularly proud of this book. The artist lives in England and will give a special perspective to the story.

It’s an interesting time in history! I hope you enjoy the book. I will update this site when it becomes available!!!