Today is the day to celebrate anyone in your family who has survived cancer. According to the NCSD website, this applies to any living person who has overcome cancer-from diagnosis to today. NCSD is observed on the first Sunday of June worldwide.
It’s a day to celebrate life, in a month set aside to recognize these survivors. The website highlights words such as celebration, inspiration, support, and outreach.
There are events in many locations around the world to recognize those who have beaten the ‘Big C.’
These days, since we shouldn’t gather in large groups, you can connect online. I recommend doing an Internet search for an event that works for you.
Today, there are more than 16.9 million cancer survivors in the United States (according to the NCSD.org website). They are supported by the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation, which is a nonprofit that collects information for cancer survivors. The Foundation “works to improve the quality of life of cancer survivors by raising awareness of the ongoing challenges of cancer survivorship.”
So, if you have someone in your life who has survived cancer (I have many!), today is the day to recognize their amazing battle and recovery!
Take care of yourself and others, Sonja