The big challenge of writing is balancing all the other things that go along with being self-employed. There’s the marketing, the financial side, the writing itself, networking. So many things to take up time.
And, time is valuable. Time is precious.
These posts take up some of that time, but I like writing them. They help me feel connected to you, the reader. I hope you find them fun and worthy of your time as you read them.
It’s especially hard to do thing as I enter my third week in an arm cast. It’s difficult to type at a keyboard when my wrist is immobilized, but this will end soon and I will be back to typing at full strength!
The cast is necessary. A necessary evil? Definitely. I am naturally clumsy and this trait has increased over the years. If not for the cast, I would have slammed my wrist into doors, walls, and the backs of chairs too many times to count.
If you have any good ways to manage your time, I would love to hear it! Post here or send me an email at sonjadanielson@gmail.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you! Sonja