If you had to switch professions tomorrow and could do anything you wanted, what would you choose?
I would probably choose archaeology. Not of Egyptian culture, as is so prevalent, but of medieval European culture–mainly England and Scotland. Maybe a bit of Ireland, too.
I used to watch a British show that followed archaeologists around Britain. It was fascinating! I love how they could pick up a shard from a plate or a jug and know the provenance.
After watching this for a while (and feeling jealous!) I decided I didn’t need to be an actual archaeologist to learn the history. And that’s what I wanted: to know history.
Not just dates, but how people lived from day-to-day. That’s where the magic is for me.
That may be why I write stories set in the Middle Ages in my alternate life. I like people to get along so I write romances, stories that tell of the daily events that lead up to love. It’s more fun that they are wearing gowns and tunics!
Let me know what you think! Sonja
Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?
Cheese or chocolate?
I vote for cheese. Sonja
How do you prefer to read a book – paperback, e-Reader, or audiobook?
I read all three. Sonja