Past Success

I went back into my files and decided to take a look at a story I wrote several years ago. This one is for adults and is set in Scotland. I still love it!!! My style has changed some, but my characters and the plot were something to be proud of!

I’m hoping to go through another edit (or three) and put it out there. This story is set in the Early Middle Ages, so no kilts. (Sorry to all you men-in-kilts fans).

I seem to follow the same themes, so this story also shows our intrepid heroine gaining self-confidence and courage as she learns more about the world and herself.

Stay tuned for the release of “MacKinnon’s Curse”!!!

It’s the First Day of Autumn

This is my favorite season! I love it when the weather turns cooler and the leaves start to turn colors. My ideal place is sitting high on a mountain in a copse of aspen trees that are turning colors.

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When I was growing up, I lived high up in the mountains amongst the pine trees. I loved to lay on my back on the soft pine needles and look up at the towering trees. The smell of the pine needles would surround me and the sound of the wind rushing through the boughs was so peaceful.

I think you can see my love of the mountains, trees, and lakes in my writing. That’s the terrain around Revlin, where the palace of Carlow is located in the Kingdom of Carlow. There’s a wonderful lake with a waterfall and trees that grow nearly to the water’s edge. Too bad the awful Red Caps live on the other side of the southern border.

Anyway, back to autumn! Go outside and hike in the mountains. Be safe and look for the changing leaves. They’ll be everywhere!

A Favorite Thing

One of the things I miss when the weather is hot is a nice cup of tea. I have a favorite seller here in the U.S. ( and favorite blends. I typically use loose tea because I think it makes a better cup, plus, I love the ritual of spooning leaves into the pot and pouring water over them. The leaves unfurl and the aroma is fantastic.

I usually need to drink decaffeinated or herbal teas because my body loves to hold on to caffeine and keep me awake at night. And that interferes with my writing process! It’s in the dark when I’m relaxed and about to fall asleep, that problems with my plot are solved. I also “see” interesting scenes and those little details that can help a scene come to life. But sitting in front of my computer with a steaming cup of tea really makes the writing process work for me.

What works for you?

Have a cup with me! Sonja


I always consider it a win when a reader enjoys one of my books. That’s what happened the other day: a reader whom I truly respect told me how much she enjoyed reading my Fairies of Carlow series.

I love hearing from readers, so don’t be shy about contacting me!

You can leave a comment here, on the web site.

Or email me at

I would love to answer a question or talk to you about the stories.

Keep in touch, Sonja

Did You Miss It?

On Tuesday, I ran a free eBook promotion for Book 2, The Outsider. Were you able to get a copy? If not, don’t worry. The eBook is always available for purchase. If you like hard copies, each title is available in that format as well.

I run lots of promotions for the eBook versions of the Fairies of Carlow series. Keep an eye on the website for announcements. All the books, in hard copy and eBook, are available at You can find the links in the left-hand margin of my home page.

These books are written for those of you who can read chapter books. Some of the words may need to be looked up in the dictionary, but it’s fun to learn new words!

If you, or someone you know, prefers picture books, then stay tuned! I have a book coming that takes a glimpse into America’s and England’s history–and introduces you to a family that was instrumental in the formation of the United States.

Plus, I’ll be introducing Guinness the Therapy Dog to you in a series of picture books. He’s a big lovebug and can’t wait to meet you.

There is so much happening! Sonja

Guinness’ Paws

Guinness the Therapy Dog has the biggest paws in the world! He has a problem controlling them sometimes and frequently steps on my feet. That hurts! He’s always sorry and feels bad when his toenails scrape the tops of my feet. Guinness is a good dog.

Guinness is small for his breed and gender, but his feet are regular sized. I think that’s why he can be so clumsy and adorable. His series of picture books will be out soon, so keep an eye out for an announcement!

Enjoy your day, Sonja

Free eBook!

As a way to say thank you, I’m offering The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider eBook for FREE for 24-hours, starting today! Go to, or use my link in the left-hand margin, to get the eBook today at no cost to you.

Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity and read all about Princess Morgen as she leaves her own land to marry into the royal family of Carlow.

I think you will enjoy it!

I hope you enjoy reading about Lily, Sonja

It’s Constitution Day!

September 17th is the 232nd anniversary of the signing of our Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is the oldest constitution still in active use in the world today and is the basic document of our republic, which protects the individual liberties of all citizens through written law. It stands as a testament to the tenacity of Americans throughout history to maintain their liberties, freedoms and inalienable rights.

Read the Constitution and celebrate Constitution Week, September 17-23. 

The Tucson Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, provided the information in this message.


When I write my stories, I tend to plot them out in three acts. Just like a screenplay or a stage theatrical. One of my go-to books is Screenplay, the Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field.

It sang to me and really morphed with my writing style. It also helped me with my plotting. Sometimes I tend to go off on tangents. I tried writing without a ‘storyboard’, my own version of the standard type you typically see from screenwriters. It was terrible and I wasted a lot of time on stuff that needed to be deleted.

I know many writers who are “pantsers”, who can write without knowing where they are going, but that’s not me. And that’s okay. Everyone has their own way. That’s the fun of writing: it continues to evolve. What works in one story won’t work in another. Just as the story can surprise you, so can your methods.

Enjoy the journey!

Have a great week, Sonja