Above and below are some of my favorite things. I see a theme–nature. I love to be outside. Water is important. So are trees and flowers. A good hike is the best! And a good hike with Guinness the Therapy Dog is even better!
He loves to be outside–and he loves water. When he hikes, he wears a backpack. When he finds water, he lays down in it and doesn’t bother about taking off his backpack first.
A few weeks ago I had the luck to spend four days with one of my best friends. I hope you have one of those, too. She’s someone who knows me so well that I don’t have to pretend–it wouldn’t do any good since she can read me so well. With one look she can see everything I’m trying to hide and makes sure I’m okay.
It’s nice to have someone you can count on. I know I can call her anytime, day or night, and she’ll be there for me. It’s important for someone to stand next to you without judgment and only support. I can tell her anything and I know it won’t go any farther.
Be a person who can keep a secret. It’s so important to a good friendship.
They say you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. I’d like to add an addendum to that: you can’t pick your friend’s nose… unless you’re really good friends. HA!
Now that the holiday fun is over, it’s time to look over your memories. I hope you made many with your friends. They are very special because you choose them.
The hard part is when friends grow apart. When you’re in a friendship it’s difficult to believe that it could happen. But it does. It’s unfortunate and it feels terrible while it’s happening, but friends do go in and out of our lives.
The memories of your friends usually happen during happy times. Listening to music, playing online, hanging out. Those are the times to cherish. I have friends that have been a part of my heart for years–even decades. I know I can count on them for anything–at any time. Those are the best of friends. I know I have a good friend when I wouldn’t think twice about calling them at any time of the day or night.
I hope you have friends you can call or text at any time! Sonja
I was on vacation for the past few days and was able to spend time on the water. That’s a real treat when you live in the desert!
South Carolina and Georgia were welcoming. I’ve never been there, well, I’ve been to the airport in Atlanta, but seeing the landscape was amazing. I love the tall trees and all the lovely streets. Of course, I spent a lot of time in the sand next to the ocean.
I grew up next to a large lake, but the ocean comes in second. I’m happiest when I’m near the water. What am I doing in the desert then? It’s a winding path that got me here.
What are your plans for the weekend? It’s time to start planning! It is outdoors or indoors? Close to home or far away? Alone or with family and friends?
The weekend is a time to recharge from the busy work/school week so you can tackle the upcoming days with energy and optimism. Those are the best ways to move through a day. Approach it with energy and it will give it back to you in fun and excitement. Approach it with optimism and you will find good opportunities and people everywhere.
Are you in a bad mood and can’t get away from it? Smile. That’s all. Just force yourself to smile. The very act of engaging the smile muscles lifts your spirits and your mood will elevate.
It’s medically proven!
Try it the next time you’re in a bad mood–or feel a little blue. I think you’ll be amazed.
I’ve been awaiting this day for a long time. I get to see one of my favorite movies on the stage! Yes, the Broadway musical ‘Hello, Dolly’. You know, the one Wall-E watched all the time.
I’m always in awe of the talent onstage. They sing, dance, and act so well (usually). I am very lucky that high-quality shows come to my town and I can see such talented people.
Oh, if only!!!
I wanted to post a photo from the play, but can’t because of the rights of the photographer/company. So, I can only recommend you download the movie or Netflix it. It’s campy and fun.
This photo shows some of my favorite things: tea, flowers, and really pretty porcelain or china. I’m always looking for a deal on all three of those things.
I’m especially happy to have found a teapot for the holidays—at a killer price. The only thing better than pretty porcelain is pretty porcelain on sale.
I’ve already written about my favorite tea vendor. I stand by that and am so happy to try new blends! Right now I’m trying out a black tea flavored with maple. It’s called New England Breakfast and smells divine! It’s nice to inhale a bit before taking a sip and really enjoy everything the tea has to offer.
I hope you take some time today to enjoy one or two of your favorite things.
What’s a pantser, you ask? It’s the writer who can tell a good story without planning it out first. It’s not me. I tried to write a story ‘by the seat of my pants’ and it was horrible!
My stories are much better if I outline them first. I don’t outline them to death because I want the characters to be able to lead me and surprise me. But, I need to know where they are heading or else my stories tend to wander.
I like to outline on paper, usually outside, with some distractions around me. Then I go to my computer and start writing with the outline nearby. I still need some distractions while I write the first draft; I think it’s probably from my years as a news producer. I wrote for hours in the newsroom with scanners blaring and beeping, reporters coming and going; and lots of interruptions. During successive edits (and there are many) I like quiet, especially during the final edit. I like to focus all my attention on the story and try to find mistakes while around me it is quiet and still.
How many edits does a story go through? At least three. That’s why I like my computer. I save the story as a fresh draft and then start editing. I find that sometimes I like the previous draft and need to be able to go back to it. If I’m editing on that draft, oftentimes what I wrote previously is gone.
Don’t be afraid to write the first draft! It’s always unfit for reading. But it’s much easier to edit than create afresh. More on this in another post!
I think Mr. Napoleon Hill was onto something here. Not everyone can be great. Not everyone can make a huge splash. But you can affect the lives of those around you. It may feel like a small thing, whatever you decide, but it may mean the world for the person you are giving to. Whatever you do, do it well. Do it large. Do it your best.
If you do your best, then there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Is there someone who needs a smile?
Is there someone who needs to hear some music?
Is there someone who would love to receive a card from you?
Reach out to someone who needs a pick-me-up and you will have accomplished something small for yourself and something gigantic for them.
One of the questions I am frequently asked is: “How do you come up with your ideas?”
The quick answer is that ideas are everywhere. I simply have to look around and see what interests me.
The long answer is that an idea comes to me and I mentally inspect all its edges and corners to see if it is truly interesting. If it doesn’t hold my attention, or if I can’t see a series of drawings in the text, then I file it away as a partial idea. No idea is sent away for good!
Every idea has value. If you think it up, or it comes to you as you take a walk or stare out the window, then you should pursue it. Sometimes these ideas aren’t sturdy enough to stand on their own. Sometimes they have too much to them and need to be pared down. But they mean something and can be a part of a lovely story. It may not be the story you intended, but give your story a little freedom and it can surprise you (more on this another day!).
I will write more about using ideas on a later date. For now, have the courage to take out one of your ideas and make it into a story. You never know where it will take you until you give it wings.