It’s The Time For Giving

Giving doesn’t have to mean spending money. The best gifts come from you or ARE you. The people who are happy to see you, who are happy to accept a gift from you, are the people who merely want to spend time with you.

The time this season to give yourself as a gift to someone special. Visit a friend or relative at their home, wherever they may live. Guinness the Therapy Dog and I like to visit people at the library, the hospital, and a transition home.

Wherever they are, that is home–at least, for them. Help them feel special and visit them where they are. Do they need a candle or a wreath? Bring them one. Every time they look at it, they will think of you and it will be another warm and happy memory.

Celebrate your ability to give. Sonja

Get in a Flip Flop State of Mind

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

What do you think of when you wear flip flops? (Sometimes called thongs.)

I think of sand, beach, and relaxation. I hope you are able to find one of those things during this holiday season.

It can be hectic to get everything that you think must be done–done. But don’t forget the foundation of the holiday: peace, love, and joy.

Don’t get too crazy with all of your “I should–” and “I need to–”

Take a moment to enjoy. Sonja

Publishing Your Story

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I’ve been asked by a lot of writers about how to get their story published. I always say to take the next step and get it out there.

No story is perfect and if you wait until yours is, it will never get published. Don’t wait for years to go by, edit that story and put it out into the world. Take the plunge. Take the risk. Take whichever overused saying will get you going.

If you want to write for yourself, that’s great. Do it.

If you want to write stories that others will read and enjoy, the only way to realize that dream is to publish it.

Stories take drafts, but it shouldn’t take you years and years of scrutiny over each word. Make it the best and then publish your story. Will it take you years to make it the best? Nah.

Find some friends who will read it for you, point out slow places, where they’re bored, and misspellings–fix those and then publish it.

You will never realize your dream unless you take that step.

Be brave. Go for it. Sonja

Mood Writing

The above quote really described my writing process. In a previous post, I wrote about being a ‘plotter’ or a ‘pantser’. I’m a ‘plotter’ and need to know the direction of my story.

That doesn’t mean I am strict or regimented in my writing. I like to see where my characters want to take me–and often they surprise me–but I can gently lead them in the direction of my plot. Otherwise, my stories tend to wander around too much.

When I write my fairy stories, you can be sure that I have pictures of Ireland on my computer and a nice cup of tea steaming at the side of my laptop.

When I write about Guinness the Therapy Dog, I like to watch him as he plays with his sister, Lucy. A lot of the time, he’s laying on the floor at my feet or resting his chin on my leg as he begs for a nice petting session.

I get inspiration from everything that’s around me. Hopefully, that flavors my writing and helps with the general mood and descriptions for you, the reader.

Try to write today! Sonja

Be The Best You Can Be

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing: being a friend, taking part in your favorite things, or doing your job. Be the best. Don’t be a slacker if you don’t like what you’re doing it, who you’re doing it with, or when you’re doing it. Give every moment of the day your full attention.

How you do something is more important than the actual outcome. If you put a positive spin on your daily tasks then the outcome will be positive. You will be viewed as someone who cares about their job, their friends and co-workers, and whatever you decide to do. Also, it makes everything so pleasant for you.

Imagine going through your day angry or upset. It’s not pleasant for you or for those around you.

In a previous post, I told you about how making yourself smile can improve your mood. Try it when you’re doing something you’d rather not. You’ll have a better time. Guaranteed!

Be happy! Sonja

The Writing Process

Are you a planner or a pantser?

What’s a pantser, you ask? It’s the writer who can tell a good story without planning it out first. It’s not me. I tried to write a story ‘by the seat of my pants’ and it was horrible!

My stories are much better if I outline them first. I don’t outline them to death because I want the characters to be able to lead me and surprise me. But, I need to know where they are heading or else my stories tend to wander.

I like to outline on paper, usually outside, with some distractions around me. Then I go to my computer and start writing with the outline nearby. I still need some distractions while I write the first draft; I think it’s probably from my years as a news producer. I wrote for hours in the newsroom with scanners blaring and beeping, reporters coming and going; and lots of interruptions. During successive edits (and there are many) I like quiet, especially during the final edit. I like to focus all my attention on the story and try to find mistakes while around me it is quiet and still.

How many edits does a story go through? At least three. That’s why I like my computer. I save the story as a fresh draft and then start editing. I find that sometimes I like the previous draft and need to be able to go back to it. If I’m editing on that draft, oftentimes what I wrote previously is gone.

Don’t be afraid to write the first draft! It’s always unfit for reading. But it’s much easier to edit than create afresh. More on this in another post!

Just start! Sonja

Tuesday Inspiration

I think Mr. Napoleon Hill was onto something here. Not everyone can be great. Not everyone can make a huge splash. But you can affect the lives of those around you. It may feel like a small thing, whatever you decide, but it may mean the world for the person you are giving to. Whatever you do, do it well. Do it large. Do it your best.

If you do your best, then there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Is there someone who needs a smile?

Is there someone who needs to hear some music?

Is there someone who would love to receive a card from you?

Reach out to someone who needs a pick-me-up and you will have accomplished something small for yourself and something gigantic for them.

Be big! Sonja

How Do You–

One of the questions I am frequently asked is: “How do you come up with your ideas?”

The quick answer is that ideas are everywhere. I simply have to look around and see what interests me.

The long answer is that an idea comes to me and I mentally inspect all its edges and corners to see if it is truly interesting. If it doesn’t hold my attention, or if I can’t see a series of drawings in the text, then I file it away as a partial idea. No idea is sent away for good!

Every idea has value. If you think it up, or it comes to you as you take a walk or stare out the window, then you should pursue it. Sometimes these ideas aren’t sturdy enough to stand on their own. Sometimes they have too much to them and need to be pared down. But they mean something and can be a part of a lovely story. It may not be the story you intended, but give your story a little freedom and it can surprise you (more on this another day!).

I will write more about using ideas on a later date. For now, have the courage to take out one of your ideas and make it into a story. You never know where it will take you until you give it wings.

Enjoy! Sonja