One of the things I notice when reading unpublished and newly-published authors is what is affectionately called TSTL (too stupid to live).
It’s when a character does something so crushingly bad that it’s suprising that they can navigate around trees. Like leading the bad guys to their home, or doing something that will attract attention while they are supposed to be quiet and hidden.
Usually, these incidents are purely to move the plot forward and indicate the author’s poor planning, laziness, or lack of creativity. I know. That’s harsh. I mean for it to be. I am particularly passionate about writing. We are responsible for the reader’s enjoyment as they journey through the fictional world we have crafted. They put their faith in our skills to transport them into our story, and to care about our characters. We cannot fail them.
I hope you will let me know if my stories are successful for you. Sonja
I thought it was time to reintroduce my work to my new followers and readers. I am a writer. I’m also a wife, mom, friend, and therapy dog handler.
I have two book series out right now, plus a nonfiction book based on American history. It also happens to be my family history.
The Fairies of Carlow book series is for those who are able to read chapter books. The material should be appropriate for those in grades 3-6. I’ve also heard from adults who have enjoyed the stories of the fairy princes and princesses who live in the Kingdom of Carlow. While their lives are magical, danger lurks across the border. The horrible Red Caps have a kingdom the adjoins Carlow. Separated by a strong fierce field that is monitored by the Border Council, the Red Caps continually attempt to battle the fairies of Carlow.
Because of the Red Caps, the royal fairies are under strict rules. One daughter chafes under the restrictions and manages to escape. She becomes a commoner and lives as a peasant.
My second book series is about Guinness the Therapy Dog. These books are easy readers and expertly illustrated by an artist who lives in England. They tell the story of my big Bernese Mountain Dog as he brings happiness to high-risk kids and kids who like to read to dogs. Of course, we haven’t been able to do any therapy activities since the pandemic began. We both miss the kids, both at the shelter and at the library.
The nonfiction history book is called The Voyage and tells the story of John Wing as he goes to Oxford, becomes a minister, and takes his family around Europe as he searches for religious freedom. This is an easy reader and illustrated by the same artist who crafted the artwork for the Guinness the Therapy Dog series.
All my books are available on If you search for my name, you’ll be able to see my entire catalog. This website has direct links to each title in the left margin.
Please leave a review on and Sonja
Here are the covers of all my books that are available now!
Go to and search for my name to see the entire book catalog. Every title is available in paperback and ebook.
I have quick links in the left margin of this website that will take you directly to the book’s page on
The first three books, the Guinness the Therapy Dog series and The Voyage, are illustrated easy readers. The Fairies of Carlow series are middle-grade books with chapters and complex plots. Choose your reading level and the titles that intrigue you. Each book in their series stands alone, so it isn’t necessary to read the series from book 1 (although I think you will enjoy them that way!).
It’s the weekend and for many of us that means time off from work. Yay! What do you have planned?
BC19 (Before COVID-19) the weekend was a time for gatherings and socializing, which is off the books for now. Today may be the time for a solitary bike ride through interesting landscape-whether that is the desert’s unique formations or under a canopy of trees.
I’m not trying to get political here, so no comments about the pandemic, social distancing, or mask-wearing, please!
I’m encouraging you to enjoy the beautiful summer day! Sonja
When a story doesn’t unfold in my brain, it’s a struggle to get it down on paper–or, rather, in ones and zeros. I’m having this issue with Lady Zepherine’s story. She is reluctant to tell her story, and I am having a difficult time writing it. Difficult is putting it mildly. It’s like hammering dull nails into an oak board with a sponge. Yes, that’s impossible.
The hard thing is not writing her story. But I feel like it’s a tortured mess. That’s what editing is for, right?
It’s also tough because parts of her story are so personal to me. Diving into my memories, and interacting with the mean girls and bullies who live there, makes me sad. I wish I had the knowledge that I have now, back then, so I could stand up to them and defend myself instead of ‘taking it’ like I did.
Even now, I try to take the high road and not get pulled down into what I consider trite arguments. The unfortunate side of that is the number of people (who I though were friends) believing the liar and rumor-spreader.
Aren’t you glad that it exposed your false friends? Yes, but it makes for loneliness, too. I wish they had taken the time to find the truth rather than believing the person who had no issues dragging my name through the mud. I hope I haven’t made the same mistake.
This afternoon I get to indulge in one of my favorite things-chatting with another author. Today, it’s thriller writer J.A. Jance.
I get to be involved because of the Author Chat series sponsored by Tucson Festival of Books.
Sometimes, these chats are good, sometime they aren’t, but I think it’s fun to listen to the advice and encouragement of successful NYT Bestsellers. It’s a dream of mine to make that list.
I write every day, less so now since I’m recovering from surgery and typing send tiny shards of pain up my wrist. On the thumb side. Where the bone graft came from. Sigh.
My body also likes to put my nerves on high alert after surgery, so I’m working to desensitize those suckers. It’s uncomfortable, but worth the pain. As is the stretching to get more movement in my wrist.
What can also be uncomfortable is writing. (Nice segue, huh?)
The most difficult part of writing for me is the first draft-I much prefer editing and fleshing out the story. But it’s all fun, no matter how difficult it is to get the words down.
I hope you are able to indulge in something you love. Sonja
The Voyage: A Story of the Wing Family and Its Migration from England to the American Colonies was on sale in celebration of the U.S. Independence Day. I hope you were able to get your free ebook!
The Voyage tells the story of John Wing as he grows up in England and attends Oxford University. As the monarchy changed England’s religious views, he searched throughout Europe for a place to give him the freedom to preach his way.
After traveling and preaching in several European locales, he decided to take his large family to the American colonies–to Plymouth Settlement. He died without realizing this dream, but his widow and sons did arrive and eventually helped found Sandwich, Massachusetts.
The Voyage is an easy-reader and illustrated by the same artist who does the Guinness the Therapy Dog series You can search for the book using my name in the Amazon search bar, or use the quick links on the left side of this website.