My Favorite Book-

Photo by Yury Nam on Unsplash

Last month I told you about my favorite book that helps me with my narrative and descriptions. It’s called the Descriptionary: A Thematic Dictionary, by Marc McCutcheon. There are some sections that I don’t use, like “French Cooking Terms” and “Surgical Procedures.” But if I want to know what a “hand-and-a-half sword” is, then there’s a definition for it. (It’s an intermediate or small sword, smaller than a two-handed sword, by the way). There’s also a section on clothing, separated by major historical eras or shifts.

Hey, have you heard of a “ha-ha”? No, it’s not laughter. It’s a sunken fence or moat around a garden to keep animals out of the area.

Fascinating, huh?

I like books that help me with research or language. I don’t like redundancy or interrupting my writing flow while I search for the correct word. Sometimes I put XXX to hold the place of a word I need and then go back to fill it in. Otherwise, that fleeting thread of dialogue or plot will evaporate. It usually doesn’t come back, whether it was good or bad.

Enjoy your writing process. Sonja

Last Chance!
(c) 2019 Available on

Today is the final day to get your FREE ebook of The Gilding, the first book in The Fairies of Carlow book series.

This series is comprised of middle-grade books. There are chapters, a complex plot, but the subject matter is appropriate for those as young as 3rd grade. I have received comments from all age groups about how enjoyable these books are-so while they are categorized as children’s books, they resonate with adults, too.

You can follow the link on this website (in the left margin) or enter my name into the search bar of to find this book. The price will be automatically adjusted to FREE no matter how you get there.

Enjoy your ebook! Sonja

If you’re a writer-

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Today I’m going to talk about writing.

I know, when don’t I? But today I want to talk about asking for help. What? I don’t want a writing partner. I’m not talking about someone helping you write your scenes; I’m talking about a fresh set of eyes to look at your finished draft. There will always be something you missed!

Have you ever written a paragraph, read it over and been satisfied, then handed it to someone else who pointed out that you missed a word? Yup, we’ve all been there. My big gaffe (which makes me laugh every time I think about it) is using lamp for lamb. It makes a big difference in the sentence.

I must have read that almost a dozen times and never caught it.


Because my brain saw the word that I wanted, not the word I had written.

I recommend:

Critique partners

Beta readers



It doesn’t need to cost you much, whether that be money or time, but it’s necessary for your writing. Can you imagine submitting a manuscript with a ewe birthing a lamp instead of a lamb (Hand raised. I did it.)?

Get yourself a fresh set of eyes. Sonja

How did you-

When I tell someone I’m a writer, there are two questions that I’m always asked: 1. where do you get your ideas, 2. when did you start writing.

I’ll answer these questions in order.

My ideas usually come to me as I’m falling asleep. I tell myself stories as I drop off. When I’m in the middle of a first draft, I think about upcoming scenes and imagine dialogue and the interaction between the characters. Sometimes I come up with an idea during the day, file it away-either written down or in my memory-and then imagine the scene that night.

I started writing in middle school. My best friend at the time was an amazing writer and we talked about the process. It piqued my interest and I began a story. The other influencer was one of my middle school/high school English teachers. She promoted the idea of writing and even brought in a guest lecturer. He discussed creative writing and had us write ideas and chapters.

I think these two people built the foundation for my writing career. So, thank you to you both.

I miss my friend and am thankful that I am Internet friends with the teacher.

I hope you have someone, or several somebodies, who inspire you. Sonja

Time for another FREE BOOK!
(c) 2019 Available on

The ebook for The Gilding, the first book in The Fairies of Carlow series, is available for free! Get your copy now!!!

The Gilding is a middle-grade book, suitable for good readers in 3rd grade all the way up into adulthood. The themes aren’t too advanced for the younger age group, but the plot is complex enough to keep everyone happy.

The three books in this series stand on their own. You will get a glimpse into these characters in the next book to see what they’re up to as time marches forward. I love seeing how characters move forward in their lives, not in epilogue form but in glimpses during stories set a little later in time.

I hope you enjoy this gift to you, dear reader. Sonja


(c) 2020

I’m writing this way ahead of time, just so you know. Today is the day we lay my mother-in-law to rest. She died in April and today is the soonest we were able to schedule the graveside service to inter her cremains.

My MIL was a strong and opinionated woman who provided gentle guidance when I first married her youngest son. My husband is her baby, the youngest of six kids. She had an iron fist while also encouraging her kids to be themselves.

She lived her entire life in Tucson, loving the desert. She planted drought- and heat-tolerant plants in her garden while battling the drying winds and temps. She loved rocks and geodes. Her garden and the fireplace hearth was filled with the sparkling crystals. We have some of them now and it’s nice to see them sparkling in the sun and reminding us of the good times.



Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

One of the best ways to know how readers enjoy books is by reading reviews. Yet, many people (myself included) don’t leave reviews.

I’m trying to change my habits and leave reviews of books, companies I use, etc. I hope you will consider leaving reviews and comments, as well.

Your likes and dislikes help me be a better writer.

Enjoy your day! Sonja