Reach The Sky!

Photo by Ross Sokolovski on Unsplash

One of the reasons why I love New York City is the old-timey architecture like that in the photo. I have a preference for interesting buildings, not the glass and chrome monoliths that were so popular a few decades ago.

Of course, I prefer to be firmly on the ground. I have an innate distruct of architecture and don’t like it when building sway. My husband says it’s better for them to sway in a strong wind then to stand solidly. But I don’t like it.

I’m not interested in arguments for architecture and how safe the buildings are. I don’t like being above the fifth floor. No, it doesn’t make sense. Yes, I know it’s illogical. I’m okay with that.

It’s terra firma for me. Sonja

It’s My Birthday!!!

(c) 2019 Available on

-and to celebrate, I’m having The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider ebook listed for FREE!

Go to (or go to the left margin of this website for the direct link) and get your FREE COPY!

Help me celebrate by day by reading all about Princess Fruhlingsmorgen–oops, she likes to be called Morgen–and her engagement to the Crown Prince of Carlow.

Will she find happiness?

Perhaps, but there a many obstacles she must surmount.

Not only will you learn about Princess Morgen, but there is new fairy magic to discover. Not to mention the dastardly Red Caps. They’ll likely want to ruin any chance at happiness by the royal family of Carlow.

I think Morgen is up to the challenges. She’s a feisty fairy, and one who has nothing to lose as she learns to love her handsome prince.

Enjoy this special story! Sonja