Moms had their day in May; now it’s time for the Dads!
First celebrated in 1910 on the third Sunday of June, this day is set aside for dads and anyone with paternal bonds. It became an official holiday in the United States in 1966, thanks to a bill signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Catholic Europe celebrated fatherhood as far back as the 1500s-in March. Before that, the Catholic Church observed it on St. Joseph’s Day. This goes back to the late 1300s or early 1400s.
How did it get to the Americas? It was The tradition was brought to the Americas by the Spanish and Portugese. Thank you to those explorers and settlers!
Different countries hold the celebrations throughout the year, from February to December, with the bulk of the countries observing Father’s Day in June. The earliest is Russia and Belarus. They also celebrate the men and women who served in the Russian Armed Forces. December is the month that Thailand celebrates fathers and also the birthday of the king. In every village, they will wear yellow, light candles, and listen to the king’s annual speech.
The say was originally spelled “Fathers’ Day,” but by 1913 the apostrophe had moved to make it “Father’s Day” in a bill during the first attempt to make it a holiday. This spelling is still in use today.
Happy Father’s Day to all those with paternal bonds! Sonja