(c) 2020 Guinness trains to become a therapy dog! He’s so excited to get his heart-shaped tag! (c) 2020 A non-fiction look at the search for religious freedom in the 1600s
I arranged for special pricing on these two ebooks.
The sale on the Guinness the Therapy Dog book ended yesterday, I hope you were able to grab a copy with the lower price!
The sale on The Voyage ends late on May 9. If you are interested in this nonfiction account of one man’s search for an end to persecution in the 1600s, then this is your book. It is written as an easy reader and has wonderful illustrations.
This book should be especially interesting to members of the Wing Family of America, as it chronicles the life of Reverend John Wing in England and Europe.
I hope you enjoy these special prices, and the ebooks! Sonja