The ebook for The Fairies of Carlow: The Commoner has been reduced! Now you can get any ebook in the series for the same low price! This will be a permanent price change, but I will occasionally put the ebooks up for free.
Watch this site for an announcement since I don’t follow a set schedule.
Now is the time to fulfill your dreams and take an online class. My husband and I like to take online classes from MasterClass, which is a subscription.
Do you have any online class sources that you like? Leave them in the comments.
Make a cup of tea and sit down at my table. I want to know you.
It is ‘get to know your customers’ day-and I want to hear all about you. What are your dreams? What are your fears? What risks have you taken? Why were you able to take that risk? Why didn’t you take that risk?
Risk is necessary for any success. That’s something I learned from a coach at a young age. “If you don’t fall, you’re not trying hard enough.” That’s my motto. Also here’s something my sister-in-law said: “You have to throw a lot of noodles on the wall to get one to stick.” I think I’ve posted that on here before. But it’s a motto to live by. Both of them, actually. I spend my time throwing noodles and falling-hoping to see something stick. That will be my measure of success.
What is your measure of success? Is there a saying that drives you?
(c) 2020 Guinness trains to become a therapy dog! He’s so excited to get his heart-shaped tag!
(c) 2020 Guinness has his first therapy session at the library!
(c) 2020 A non-fiction look at the search for religious freedom in the 1600s
(c) 2019 Entire catalog is available on
(c) 2019 Search for Sonja Danielson on
(c) 2019 Available on
Have you read one of my books? I would love to hear your comments!
Please leave a review on and Good Reads. It matters!
Right now I am working on two manuscripts meant for grown-ups (under a pen name, so there’s no confusion!) And then I plan to add another Guinness the Therapy Dog book and add to The Fairies of Carlow series.
Where would you like Guinness to go?
Who would you like to read about from the Kingdom of Carlow?
Let me know and I’ll tell you if I used your idea! Sonja
Today is the day to start. Start what? Whatever you desire. It’s the day to stop being limited by your thoughts, your personal demons, your own negative ideas–basically, whatever is making you doubt yourself.
Today is the day to think you CAN!
You CAN make that change, think differently, go against what you’re told. Because you are amazing. You are capable. You are YOU!
Don’t let what other think you can do hold you back. They don’t know what lives inside of you.
Don’t let what you were told hold you back. Think about those things differently. A new perspective can help make changes.
Don’t let your ‘life’s lessons’ make you doubt your capabilities. Use those experiences to make yourself better, not bully you into submission.
You are able.
I was just listening to a book by Jen Sincero and it is very motivating for me. Find what motivates you. Sonja
There are two sides to Easter: the religious side and the bunny/egg/baby chick side.
Why both?
Typically celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon after the vernal equinox (whew!), Easter combines the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and some pagan traditions that celebrate birth and fertility.
So, that’s why we die and hunt eggs during the celebration of Christ’s rising from the dead?
The name ‘Easter’ has been attributed to the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility, Eostrae. Others say the word came from the Latin phrase albis, which is plural for ‘dawn’, or from the Old High German word eostarum, which evolved from the Latin I just mentioned. (Old High German preceded English and contributed to its development).
Today is the day to celebrate your furry friends and I’m so excited to have Guinness the Therapy Dog and Lucy the Wonder Dog in my life.
I write about them in the Guinness the Therapy Dog series, where you can read about Guinness’s adventures.
The relationship he has with Lucy in the books is the same in real life. She is his moral compass and keeps him in line, which can be hard. Sometimes, Guinness is a little too enthusiastic–about everything. Lucy lets him know, in no uncertain terms, that he needs to calm down.
It’s fun to write about their relationship and Guinness’s zest for life. He’s good to have around!