It doesn’t matter what you’re doing: being a friend, taking part in your favorite things, or doing your job. Be the best. Don’t be a slacker if you don’t like what you’re doing it, who you’re doing it with, or when you’re doing it. Give every moment of the day your full attention.
How you do something is more important than the actual outcome. If you put a positive spin on your daily tasks then the outcome will be positive. You will be viewed as someone who cares about their job, their friends and co-workers, and whatever you decide to do. Also, it makes everything so pleasant for you.
Imagine going through your day angry or upset. It’s not pleasant for you or for those around you.

In a previous post, I told you about how making yourself smile can improve your mood. Try it when you’re doing something you’d rather not. You’ll have a better time. Guaranteed!
Be happy! Sonja