I’ve been asked by a lot of writers about how to get their story published. I always say to take the next step and get it out there.
No story is perfect and if you wait until yours is, it will never get published. Don’t wait for years to go by, edit that story and put it out into the world. Take the plunge. Take the risk. Take whichever overused saying will get you going.
If you want to write for yourself, that’s great. Do it.
If you want to write stories that others will read and enjoy, the only way to realize that dream is to publish it.
Stories take drafts, but it shouldn’t take you years and years of scrutiny over each word. Make it the best and then publish your story. Will it take you years to make it the best? Nah.
Find some friends who will read it for you, point out slow places, where they’re bored, and misspellings–fix those and then publish it.
You will never realize your dream unless you take that step.
Be brave. Go for it. Sonja