Publishing Your Story

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I’ve been asked by a lot of writers about how to get their story published. I always say to take the next step and get it out there.

No story is perfect and if you wait until yours is, it will never get published. Don’t wait for years to go by, edit that story and put it out into the world. Take the plunge. Take the risk. Take whichever overused saying will get you going.

If you want to write for yourself, that’s great. Do it.

If you want to write stories that others will read and enjoy, the only way to realize that dream is to publish it.

Stories take drafts, but it shouldn’t take you years and years of scrutiny over each word. Make it the best and then publish your story. Will it take you years to make it the best? Nah.

Find some friends who will read it for you, point out slow places, where they’re bored, and misspellings–fix those and then publish it.

You will never realize your dream unless you take that step.

Be brave. Go for it. Sonja

Favorite Things

Photo by Soma Laszlo on Unsplash
(c) 2019

Today is a day to remember your favorite things. Since it’s the day after Thanksgiving, I like to remember watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the National Dog Show.

What’s interesting is today is Square Dance Day, which melds nicely with the parade memories! You can try all those moves you saw on T.V., or, if you’re lucky enough, live while in New York City!

Guinness likes the dog show, too. A Bernese Mountain Dog has yet to win Best In Show, but I think Guinness has a shot at the title–especially if they score big points for lovability!

We spent Monday evening at the library and Guinness listened to some good books–read by some good readers! Those kids really know their words and even acted out the dialogue. It was fun! Guinness likes to lie right alongside the kids as they read. He rolls onto his back and hopes for a belly rub. He always gets one.

The Fairies of Carlow: The Commoner ebook is still under special pricing until midnight tonight. Hurry to the page and order your copy! You can also use the link in the left margin of this website.

Have a great day after Thanksgiving! Sonja

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s an important day for all those in the United States. Today is Thanksgiving. My new book, The Voyage, would be a wonderful read to mark this day. It tells of the trials of a man who traveled throughout Europe as he searched for religious freedom.

His family settled first in Plymouth Colony and then to Sandwich, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. This illustrated easy-to-read book is available exclusively on

I’m also offering Book 3 of The Fairies of Carlow, The Commoner, at special pricing starting today. This book is a middle-grade chapter book and takes place in a fairy kingdom. The Commoner tells the story of a fairy princess who chafes under the restrictions placed upon her. She flees the palace and lives as a commoner. Will she return to her royal life?

I hope you take advantage of the special pricing, which ends on November 30, and also take a look at my newest book.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. friends! Sonja

The Voyage is Now Available !!!

Available on

I’m proud to announce the release of my latest book, “The Voyage”. This illustrated book chronicles the travels of the Reverend John Wing and his family as he ministered through England, Germany, and The Netherlands. After his death, his family traveled across the Atlantic Ocean on the William and Francis.

It took them 88 days to travel from England to Boston. They settled in Plymouth Colony before resettling in Sandwich, Massachusetts as founders of that town.

This is written as an easy-to-read book and has multiple vibrant illustrations by Emma Crick. Miss Crick lives in England and was born near Sandwich, Kent–the namesake city of the settlement on Cape Cod.

I hope you enjoy this story. Sonja

Happy Pricing!

Available on

I’m celebrating this holiday week by scheduling a special pricing event for book 3 of The Fairies of Carlow!

Starting at 12:01 on Thanksgiving Day (MST), the price of the ebook of The Commoner will drop to $0.99. The price will increase gradually over the day and November 29, so jump on this special event as soon as you can!

The link to the ebook, available exclusively on, is in the left margin of this web site.

I hope you can take advantage of this offer! Sonja

Your Uncle’s a Monkey!

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

Today is All Our Uncles Are Monkeys Day! Do your best monkey dance up to your uncle and give him a big hug. Then take him out for a banana split!

Enjoy your uncle–and all your relatives. Surround yourself with family. That’s where the love comes from.

Grab your uncle and have fun today! Sonja


Be True to Your Work, Your Word, and Your Friend. Henry David Thoreau

Mr. Thoreau has it right. There’s nothing more important than those three things. Whatever your work, whether for school, job, or hobby–do it well and with all your heart. Your word is who you are–never say something you can’t support or hurt someone. Words can be like daggers. Your friends are your support system. Have friends you can count on, not simply people to have around you.

Work, word, and friend–the trifecta of a good life. Sonja

Friday-Weekend Plans?

If you’ve been reading my posts you know I’m a big proponent of going outside. Reading outside is different than reading inside, hiking, going to a festival. It doesn’t matter what you do.

I have spent so many hours laying on the ground and watching the clouds. I watch how fast they are moving, the shapes I see in them, rainbows, the shadows they cast on the ground. There is so much to see.

Take this weekend to spend some time outside. Do what you want. Have a friend over, play with your dog, go for a hike, ride your bike.

Have a great weekend! Sonja

Guinness the Therapy Dog

(c) 2019

This tag represents a lot of work by Guinness the Therapy Dog. It shows that he can be a good boy when meeting people. After a month of visits, Guinness told me he would prefer to visit the hospital less.

That was difficult for me since I love bringing him to the hospital to visit with the nurses, doctors, and patients. The sessions weren’t as much fun for him–and he’s the one who needs to enjoy himself the most. He is the therapy dog after all. My job is to make sure he is happy and treated well.

We have been taking a break from the hospital as he continues to visit with the kids at the library and the domestic violence shelter–which he loves and looks forward to.

It’s all about Guinness. Sonja